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Rank: V.I.P
Costs: 5 Euro
Durationt: 30 Days
Weapons: All M9K Weapons
Entitis: All Drugs + PlayX access
Commands: Everything what ranks under V.I.P can do
- @@@ [Message] (Message in the middle of the screen)
- @@ [Message] (Message in chat)
- !cloak/uncloak [Name] (Make invisible)
- !god/ungod [Name] (Make invincible)
- !hp [Name] [1-1000000] (Set your HP)
- !ragdoll/unragdoll [Name] (Ragdoll someone)
- !whip [Name] [How often] [Damage] (Whip someone)
- !bring [Name] (Teleport someone to you)
- !kick [Name] [Reason] (Kick a player from the server)
- !vote "Titel" "Option1" "etc" (starts a vote)
Rank: V.I.P+
Costs: 10 Euro
Duration: 30 Days
Weapons: All M9K Weapons
Entitis: All Drugs + PlayX access
Commands: Everything what ranks under V.I.P+ can do
- !freeze/unfreeze [Name] (Freeze someone)
- !hp [Name] [1-2147483647] (Set your HP)
- !slap [Name] [Damage] (Whip someone)
- !slay [Name] (Kill someone)
- !sslay [Name] (Kill someone silently)
- !send [Name] [Name] (Teleports player1 to player2)
- !tp [Name] (Teleports someone to your crosshairs)
- !spectate [Name] (Spectate someone)
- !map [Exact Mapname] (Change the Map)
- Can see hidden chat commands
No Money back guarantee